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Thursday 20 August 2015

wooden box - step by step

* first I've painted the edges with black paint, then with the lilac one....
* when dried I've painted the whole box with the white paint...
* when dried I've sanded gently with the sandpaper (240/280).....
* the handwriting was the laser-printed image which I transferred with the Medium Transfer Gel (there're many to choose from....just google) on top of the sanded lid...
* the image of the lady was cut out from the napkin and glued on the sanded box (special glue for decoupage)...
* all box was covered with a few layers of satin varnish (sanded between every layer/320 sandpaper)

and this one:
black paint on the edges
+white one all over the box
+roses from napkins
and this one but:
the lid has been covered with a wallpaper and varnished...

1 comment:

  1. Świetny pomysł na tę sentencję w okrągłej szkatule. Zauroczyły mnie też delikatne cieniowania na kolejnym kuferku z różami.
    Pierwszy kufer zachwyca romantyzmem i świetnymi przecierkami:)
